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01. In the year 2001, in which of the following states was the density of population the lease?
A. Madhya Pradesh B. Andhra Pradesh 
C. Orissa D. Maharashtra
E. Tamil Nadu

Answer and Explanation

Answer: Madhya Pradesh

Density of population in Madhya Pradesh
=> 603 x 105 / 308,144 = 195 / sq.km
=> In Andhra Pradesh = 761 x 105 / 275 068 = 276/sq.km
=> In Orissa = 384 x 105/ 155,707 = 237/ sq.km
=> In Maharashtra = 968 x 105/ 307,713 = 314/ sq.km
=> In Tamil Nadu = 624 x 105/ 130,058 = 480/ sq.km
=> The least density is in M.P.

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02. If in 2006, 51% of the rural population in Orissa are males, then what is the number of females in rural population?
A. 1,45,68,360  B. 1,41,00,480
C. 1,37,00,640  D. 1,35,47,520
E. 131,08,150

Answer and Explanation

Answer: 1,35,47,520

Rural population in Orissa
=>  384 x (105 x 72)/100 = 2,76,48,000
=> Number of females
=> 49/100 x 2,76,48,000 = 1,35,47,520

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03. What is the percentage increase in the female population in Uttar Pradesh from 2001 to 2006?
A. 4.5% B. 4.2%
C. 4.3% D. 4.0% 
E. 3.6%

Answer and Explanation

Answer: 4.5%

Female population in Uttar Pradesh in 2001
=> (1660 – 875) x 105 = 785
=> That in 2006 = 1731 – 911 = 920
=> Percentage increase = 35/785 x 100 = 4.5%

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04. For which of the following states is the ratio of rural population in 2001 to that in 2006, the least?
A. Madhya Pradesh  B. Andhra Pradesh
C. Orissa D. Maharashtra
E. Tamil Nadu

Answer and Explanation

Answer: Madhya Pradesh 

The ratio of rural population in 2001 to 2006 for Madhya Pradesh
=> 0.72 x 603 / 0.71 x 674 = 0.907
=> For Orissa = 0.73 x 368 / 0.72 x 384 = 0.97
=> For Maharashtra = 0.68 x 968 / 0.66 x 1013 = 0.98
=> For Andhra Pradesh = 0.69 x 761 / 0.67 x 823 = 0.952
=> For Tamil Nadu = 0.70 x 624 / 0.68 x 697 = 0.922
=> The least is for Madhya Pradesh

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05. For the year 2006, in how many of the given states is the male population more than the average male population that year?
A. 450 B. 456
C. 455 D. 460
E. 476

Answer and Explanation

Answer: 456

In 2006, average number of males per state, for the given states
=> Total male population / total number of states
=> = 3192 / 7
=> 456

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